Scarf of the Day: No. 26

Scarf of the Day: No. 26

Today’s scarf is the last one I got from my trip to Italy. As I blogged about in this post and this one.


I love this one because of the color. The orange and gray look so good together and that why I was drawn to it.

The first time I wore it I even got a compliment.

Today I baked my apple pie and I think it looks great, I just have to wait until tomorrow on the taste.


How has your Thanksgiving prep gone?

Scarf of the Day: No. 4

Scarf of the Day: No. 4

In the summer of 2013 I went to Italy on a school trip. Everything about it was wonderful. I was taking a drawing class so I was getting credit towards my degree and it really improved my abilities.

On one of our last days in Florence me and a couple of my friends went to a market area where there are all these stalls where you can get anything.

View of Florence from the Boboli Gardens

Well I found 3 scarves and a tie for €20. It was a great find. The tie was for my brother because he always needs more and two scarves for me and one for my mom. (I had already gotten my dad a wallet.)


It wasn’t until later that I had realized that one of the scarves I had gotten for myself matched the one I got for my mom. Needless to say it was a pleasant surprise. Mine is like a blue, green, teal and my mom’s is tan and brown.

The trip was great and I’ll blog more about it in the future.


Have you bought something on a trip that you love?